PCOS and Weight Loss

 Lately I have come across many of my weight loss clients whose main issue of weight gain was due to PCOS.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that causes irregular menstrual cycles due to a lack of monthly ovulation and increased levels of androgens (male harmones).The majority of PCOS women, but not all, are overweight or obese, and they are at higher-than-average risk of acquiring diabetes. PCOS-related hormonal abnormalities, insulin resistance, and inflammation make it difficult for women to lose weight.

However, even a minor 5 per cent weight loss can increase insulin resistance, hormone levels, menstrual cycles, fertility, and general wellbeing in PCOS women. This syndrome must be managed with care as they are approximately three times as likely to be diagnosed with anxiety and depression than people without PCOS.

A healthy diet goes a long way in influencing our body and those diagnosed with PCOS can take advantage of a healthy diet.Below are some of the changes I suggested and many of them turned out to be in positive direction

1. Increase intake of fibrous foods

2.Consume more Lean protien

3.Add more Antioxidants

4.Avoid Refined carbs and saturated fats

5.Reduce dairy consumption(Even some regular dairy can be replaced with Grass Fed )

Apart from changes in the diet, incorporating regular exercise is a well-known weight reduction method. PCOS can cause a woman's menstrual cycle to be disrupted and lead to increased weight gain. Losing weight can help with PCOS symptoms if lifestyle changes are implemented. When diagnosed with PCOS, nutrition and exercise are two efficient approaches to decrease weight.
